About us

I wouldn't have made it this far without the support from my family and friends!

Pictures of our wonderful team will be coming soon, meanwhile this is a photo from the one day it was a true family affair!

The Lost Sheep is all about meeting people and building relationships, so we really like our lovely customers to be able to pop in, have a browse, chat, and enjoy the environment! But we know not everyone is able to visit: the pandemic changed quite a few things, including how many people shop online, and we also get enquiries from across the UK and even the world (we have customers who live in Australia!).  So, although a website wasn’t our original intention, we're excited to give you an option to buy many of our products from the comfort of your own home.

We find delicious cake helps lots of things – and our homemade cakes are truly delicious! Our tea shop is somewhere people can come to chill out, spend time with friends, or to find a friendly face to chat with when they are in need of some company. Check out the tea shop page to see our menu and find out more. 

Look out for the events and workshops we run both for fun and to support people in the community. Details can be found on the Events and Events information pages.